Friday, March 18, 2005

{*pictures collection*}

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guess wat is this picture about? hmmmmm. i thought it was something perverted in the first place. haha.
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very fierce pic of my friend, kim. haha. thanks to the photographer, wei jie
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we are bored, ok. so took a pic in the class. haha. it is like so funny. everyone is like day dreaming.
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my good friend, pei fang and me
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my good friends, jie hui and wan ting and mi

*Kissed My Love* @ | 10:40 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

{*A Failure in Life*}

had my lab test just now. i was the last one to finish the test. it is suppose to be easy but i spent a lot of time doing it so i assumed that i am going to fail the test. however, i will not let this paper to spoil my attitude towards studies. i just have to try harder for the AEL examination. hehe. just turn 18 haha. i am able to drink LEGALLY. haha. but still have to check IC or ez link card. haha but it is alrite. haha. going to study very hard for my following examinations as i really hope i am able to ace in my studies. after all the examinations, i am going to play the whole dae non stop. haha. my relationship with ed is still alrite but we kinda of quarrel a lot lately. just hope that it may turn up alright after all as we are together for like 4 yrs. wat is love actually? not many people is able to answer that qn as not many people noe wat love is all abt but most of them noe wat a person should do to tell the person that they love them. anyway, going to dye my hair like end of next semester as my bro is getting married. going to be the bridemaid ( i hope not). may be going to dye my hair pink or an outstanding colour so ppl will notice mi due to my hair. haha.

*Kissed My Love* @ | 6:43 PM

{*The Bride*}

11 March 1987
Business Administration (Accountancy)
National University of Singapore

{*She Loves*}

Chicken Pasta from New York New York
Dim Sum (Ha Kua and Fu Pi Juan)
Sun tan with friends
my darling
my friends
Travelling around the world

{*She Hates*}

people who backstab me
people who blame me for nothing
People who thinks that they are always right


gwen; wen xu; keshia; sing yen; sing wei; shawn ang; jiaxin; wei ye; siao ying; Jee Cheng; Adelynn; Kong Chian; kai ying; liang wei; Shi Qi; fabian; Irene; lay yuen; yu yin; Pei Ying; Salleh; Marie; kaiting; Benedict; kristie; desmond; yi hui; alex; Brenda; Janice; Joanne; Kim Guan aka Guan Guan; Sharon; Loh hu; Si Yin

{*Her Past Memories*}

May 2004

June 2004

July 2004

August 2004

September 2004

October 2004

November 2004

December 2004

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

November 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

September 2007

March 2008

December 2008

<bgsound src="" loop=infinite> {*Her Gossips*}

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