Went to nanda's house for deepavali celebration. His mom's cooking was superb as every dish is very tasty and succulent. We had a lot of fun playing card games and PS2. It has been a long time i played PS 2 games with anyone. haha. Playing with Shin may seems challenging as he is good in Gran Taresmo and soul calber. haha. I finally know the smell of taiwan famous smelly toufu. It smells like garbage. i believe that it will taste the same as normal deep fried toufu. haha. After tat, we went to watch world trade centre. It was not bad besides the neck aching view. haha. Actually, tok most of the time in the movie. haha. I actually saw a pair of caucasian couple walking out of the theatre in the midst of the movie. haha. extremely surprised. haha. Anyway, the day was really fun. It has been a long time since i last have fun with bme people.
There are some pics that were taken in the pizza hut where we celebrate su, zh and christine's birthday. Hope you guys enjoy the pics. I had a lot of fun there for some weird reasons. may be becos it has been a long time since i celebrate my friend's birthday. Let Me tHink about a few months ago. haha. One is bored while the another keep laughing. Birthday people : suaidah, zhong hong and christine group photo with the birthday people 1 guy, 5 girls and a pizza place
{*She Loves*}
Chicken Pasta from New York New York
Dim Sum (Ha Kua and Fu Pi Juan)
Sun tan with friends
my darling
my friends
Travelling around the world
{*She Hates*}
people who backstab me
people who blame me for nothing
People who thinks that they are always right
wen xu;
sing yen;
sing wei;
shawn ang;
wei ye;
siao ying;
Jee Cheng;
Kong Chian;
kai ying;
liang wei;
Shi Qi;
lay yuen;
yu yin;
Pei Ying;
yi hui;
Kim Guan aka Guan Guan;
Loh hu;
Si Yin